I rise from my worst disasters. I turn, I change.
— The Waves, Virginia Woolf

Treatment for complex trauma is, painfully, exorbitantly expensive. We want to help you get the care you need and deserve but may have no means to obtain right now.

While it may feel scary to do, we warmly encourage you to reach out to us if you are struggling in this way. you are not alone. We will send you an application form in two steps - that you can fill out in your own time, at your own pace - for an opportunity to receive financial assistance to meet your treatment expenses.

You can contact us - using our specific, internally confidential email address - and we will send the materials right away.

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Please send requests, completed applications, and any questions regarding the process to our confidential email:

• If you are seeking financial aid for treatment costs, please put “Application Request” in the subject line.
• If you are seeking a Therapy Box, please put “Therapy Box Request” in the subject line.

It helps us prioritize your emails and be confident that's what you're seeking!

**Financial Aid is made payable to the provider of Complex PTSD services, and covers a portion of the non-reimbursed, out-of-pocket expenses directly incurred for the ongoing treatment of complex trauma and dissociative disorders. Funds are not available for back balances of unpaid services or needs outside of ongoing treatment or inpatient therapy.

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NOTE: At this time, our fiscal sponsor's 501(c)3 licensure is restricted to the United States, which means that law prevents us from offering financial support to any therapist or facility outside of the US. It is our sincerest hope and goal to expand BAB's outreach to establishing branches in other countries - making financial support an international possibility. With everyone working together, we could hope to see this goal realized!

CORRESPONDENCE NOTICE:  Your voice matters. Your story is important. We care deeply about your pain - both past and present. However, knowing details of the trauma you've experienced - especially those which are graphic in nature - will not help us help you better. In fact, it can deplete our resources and clarity, leaving us less efficient in guiding you to the help you deserve. Severity of trauma also has zero bearing on approval of grant applications. We care about you, so for your safety and ours, we ask that you refrain from sharing traumatic material.
In the event of an emergency, please contact your therapist, local crisis center, or call 911. We will gladly help further when your safety has been ensured.


We know far too well that the number of treatment providers available in a given region is sometimes a flat zero. Which means, even if we had bottomless funds to approve every last request and ensure everyone could financially get treatment, there won’t always be someone around to provide that care. We are working on that! (And therapists interested in expanded their training, please do reach out! We have options!) In the meantime, we don't want to leave our survivors with nothing. ..or even feeling like there's nothing.
Yes, on our Resource page, you can find many websites and books that are great for learning and feeling broadly understood, but not all can help you work through your personal "tough stuff". We wanted to pluck out a few specific titles, just for survivors in your position, because they’re workbooks. They exist to help facilitate your individual recovery and are often used as an adjunct to therapy for those lucky enough to receive it. But, if you’re on your own and this is all you’ll be able to access for the foreseeable future, we know what a lifeline they can be. You are not helpless, nor hopeless; you deserve support and guidance just like everyone else.

Growing Beyond Survival: A Self-Help Toolkit for Managing Traumatic Stress by Elizabeth Vermilyea  -- This is one of the best workbooks for just about anyone who would be perusing our site and seeking treatment - whether you have PTSD, C-PTSD or any dissociative disorder.  It teaches you about your condition; provides loads of symptom management skills (like grounding, containment, modulation for intense feelings or self-harm urges, imagery for pain or sleep, and so much more); helps you deal with intrusive memories, panic and dissociation; and asks you questions to help you work through the harder material at your own pace.  This one gets the longest description and the top spot because it is useful to just about everyone in a big way.  It's got the fundamental tools we all need in order to lay the groundwork that allow us to safely continue our journey to wellness - and that is especially important when you are working on you own until you can find someone to help guide you through the truly traumatic pieces.

Amongst Ourselves: A Self-Help Guide to Living with Dissociative Identity Disorder by Tracy Alderman and Karen Marshall  -- This is one of the only workbooks that we know of that's specific to those with Dissociative Identity Disorder.  The above workbook will still definitely facilitate so much of the PTSD side of your disorder, but this will really engage with the other side.  It is dated (it's from the early 90s), so some of the information is likely out of touch with the current understanding of DID and structural dissociation, but it's still likely to help facilitate many of the basic tools necessary in treating DID - like getting to know your system, internal communication and beginning to gain internal cooperation.

Becoming Yourself: Overcoming MC and RA by Alison Miller  --  This workbook has the highest specificity for whom it will apply, and that is for only the small subset of survivors who have RA/MC backgrounds.  This is truly one of the most comprehensive, informative and interactive books on the subject at all, let alone workbooks.  Given that the prevalence of treatment providers who specialize in this field is even dramatically less than C-PTSD and DID therapists, this could be your greatest tool in understanding what has happened to you and is still happening now, helping you decide for yourself what is likely real and what is not, and really just facilitating many broad and nuanced aspects of your healing tremendously.  This is true even if you have a therapist and use thus within your therapy, but it's a really tremendous asset if you have no one you can turn to or trust.

The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk -- After a little thought, we decided to add this book in here, too, even though it's an exception in that it is not a workbook and will not interact with you therapeutically.  But, this book is still a remarkable instrument in teaching you the neurology behind your disorder, which can help you look at your wellness entirely differently.  And, as it turns out, that's pretty important.  This book demonstrates things from a scientifically proven and physiologic perspective as he explicates the power and necessity of physical movement, amongst other things, in trauma survivors' recovery.  van der Kolk firmly delineates how much a survivor can begin to heal their mind, even without talk therapy, (providing many examples and evidence along the way) by being intentional about their physical movement.  So, how could we NOT include it in a list of resources for "starting to heal without a therapist"?!  Because there are things you can definitely do to help yourself now!

Unfortunately, any resource or book is going to cost money, and any workbook that is helping guide your treatment is going to be even more expensive.  We recognize this and know that it may not be a cost that you can tackle yourself, even after scouting those who are selling them at discounted prices. If you find yourself in this place, don't hesitate to contact us and see how we may be able to help! Because, you are the perfect survivor for our Therapy Box Project! We can’t wait to bring the support you deserve to your doorstep!

One final note:  Even if you think there are no treatment providers in your area treating complex trauma or dissociative disorders - or if you think it's not worth contacting us for help because everyone is booked - please reconsider! We might be able to help you locate one you didn't even realize was available since many don't advertise themselves as such. Give it a shot, the worst that happens is we know it's an area that really needs our attention for education and awareness. But, you might even discover you’re uniquely qualified for our therapy boxes, too! The best that happens is you find a therapist!